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發表於 2013-10-11 16:56:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
My Eyelid Cosmetic Surgery : I had Upper Eyelid Surgery in Beverly Hills
Eyelid Surgery Blepharoplasty is one of the most common Eyelid Cosmetic Surgery procedures performed in Facial Plastic Surgery. Our eyes are one of the first places that show signs of aging. As we age we develop redundant skin on the eyelids which unfortunately makes us look tired. Eyelid Surgery Blepharoplasty which is a simple outpatient procedure can reverse these changes and restore a more youthful and rested appearance.
My Eyelid Cosmetic Surgery : I had Upper Eyelid Surgery in Beverly Hills
Eyelid Surgery Blepharoplasty is one of the most common Eyelid Cosmetic Surgery procedures performed in Facial Plastic Surgery. Our eyes are one of the first places that show signs of aging. As we age we develop redundant skin on the eyelids which unfortunately makes us look tired. Eyelid Surgery Blepharoplasty which is a simple outpatient procedure can reverse these changes and restore a more youthful and rested appearance.
The eyes will appear more rested and vibrant after Los Angeles Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery. Most often the results are so natural that friends and coworkers will comment on how great you look, without realizing that Los Angeles Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery was performed. The incision for Eyelid Surgery Blepharoplasty is hidden in natural creases of the eyelid, and it heals extremely well.
Lower eyelid bags and dark circles are two of the most common reasons patients see me for a Eyelid Cosmetic Surgery consultation. Each patient will have a different story and presentation, although most patients have the same common complaint, over the past few years Ive noticed these dark circles and bags, which I didnt have before, and they make me look and feel tired. Another common complaint is that Im tired of people telling me I look tired. As you will see in this section, there are multiple reasons for the development of dark circles and lower eyelid bags. Any eyelid rejuvenation plan needs to consider all the variables and design an individualized Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery plan for each patient. As you will see, not everyone will need surgery, and not everyone can be helped with non-invasive means of treatment. In our practice there are more than 30 ways to rejuvenate the lower eyelids alone, and the best treatment for you will be different than your best friends or neighbors.
Dr. Kami Parsa
465 N. Roxbury Dr. Suite 1001
Beverly Hills, CA 90210

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